No Box of Mementos

The Twiglets Box of Relics

One thing I’ll never have
is a carved box of relics
from the past to leave
for others to wonder over
No baby tooth the fairy
missed under my pillow
No valentine cards
from my first grade love
No roses pressed from
my graduation dress
No bouquet of wilted
daisies and sweet peas
from a barefoot wedding
I’ve not saved a thing
that will have no meaning
to those who come after
Some things I want
to be an enigma.

12 thoughts on “No Box of Mementos

  1. This really hits home with me. There will be very little of myself left behind, only fragments of other’s history posthumously left behind for me. Things I can’t bear to toss away because someone else thought of me before they passed away. The one thing I learned from sorting parents’ belongings (both peder’s and mine) is that nobody wants those little bits and bobs and trinkets. From my parents, I only wanted my favourite photo of him and one of her. I so feared that I’d forget what they looked like smiling. Reading this back, it seems completely ridiculous, but then again, that’s me.

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  2. I’ve seen what a relative did with some of their dear departed shortly after …
    Emptied shelves, closets, only kept practical stuff. Photos on the wall, the chair that was still good.

    I have too much stuff – I guess I’ll have to figure out how to wittle it down, since my own – who I’d leave stuff too, probably don’t want it all either. But for now it makes me happy.

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      1. Many years ago I was saving stuffed animals…(Mostly my children’s) there was a time you could donate them to the police or fire departments to use to gift comfort to children. So I was able to cut that down.

        And I’ve gifted many a box of books to the Library for their sales… I’m not a minimalist… but it must be nice to not have so much stuff. 😉

        I didn’t have a whole lot of stuff from my own childhood. Most of what you mentioned in your piece. But then I did save stuff from my own children. And they probably don’t want that stuff either… I always ask though before I toss out their stuff. I almost have most of their stuff gone (to them) or out somehow.

        But I’ve also aquired a bunch of stuff from when a relative passed. Just this summer we took apart an old stuffed chair that wasn’t worth anything. And with hubby retired he’s made a few trips to the Hazardous Waste collection site with old paints and such. It is an on going process…


      2. We just have too much stuff. Have you noticed how many more storage units are being built?
        I gave my children’s things to them. I swear, my daughter had a big box of folded notes passed to her from school. She couldn’t bear to toss it…. until she moved to her own home and then she tossed it.

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      3. I’ve a relative who has a friend… who now has many grands… was going through her attic and finally tossed their old letters. My relative was upset – all that history lost. But really mostly teen agnst that really doesn’t serve past a certain point. Like those class notes.

        I’m wondering why I keep my high school year book. As I know no one from that time anymore. And my favorite teachers… well if I’m older – they must be dotty or dead. Well I know two of them are ‘gone’ anyhow. I actually looked up my old High School – it doesn’t even exist anymore!


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